Mikveh Mania Loyter Joanes
A – Preliminary Considerations
After a long time without a Mikveh, the Community can finally fulfill the desires of a significant part of its members and of a significant part of its members and allow Judaism to be lived more fully in Lisbon.
In consultation with the Rabbi and his wife, it was decided to create a set of rules for using the Mikve.
The Community Board may, whenever necessary, make changes or revisions to these rules.
B – Responsibility
1 – The responsibility for supervising and managing the ritual use of the Mikve rests with the Rabbi of the Community, whom he may delegate to whomever he sees fit at any given time.
at any given time. The delegation will last for as long as the Rabbi decides and may be changed at any time.
2 – The management of this equipment of the Israelite Community of Lisbon is the responsibility of the Community Board, which may delegate executive management to one or more of its members.
of its members.
a) All equipment to be installed must be authorized in advance.
b) Any materials that may be purchased or that CIL members may wish to donate must be coordinated between them and those responsible, in order to avoid duplication or shortages.
c) The coordination mentioned in the previous point will also serve to preserve uniformity in the materials.
C – Rules of Use
1 – Bookings
The use of the Mikvé, including the casherization of utensils, requires prior booking, at least two days in advance. This must be addressed to the Rabbi in the case of use by men or for utensils and to the Rabanit (Rabbi’s wife) for use by women. This can be done via the e-mail mikve@cilisboa.org or to the normal Community contacts.
2 – Hours of Use
a) Ladies
Use will take place in the evening and always after “Tzet Hakochavim”, with between 2 and 4 ladies per day according to the time of year and the “Tzet Hakochavim” schedule.
The total usage time for each lady will be 40 to 60 minutes from entry to exit, adjusted according to existing bookings.
b) Brides
Brides can go to the Mikve during the day and the maximum total usage time will be 90 minutes. Brides will always have priority in booking and use.
c) Men
Only before Yom Kippur. Any other use will always be in the morning. The total time of use will be between 40 and 60 minutes from entry to exit, adjusted according to existing appointments.
d) Utensils
Utensils can be used for casherization from Monday to Wednesday between 1pm and 4pm.
3 – Access areas
Access to technical areas is strictly forbidden to users. Only Mikvé managers or CIL employees have access.
Under no circumstances will the water tanks be opened without at least one person observing.
4 – Miscellaneous
a) Each user must bring with them all the material necessary for their personal hygiene, as well as a towel.
b) Slippers with non-slip rubber soles must be worn throughout the Mikvé area, except in the plunge pool.
c) In case of need, the Community will provide any missing material. Some of this material may be charged for.
5 – Payment
Use of the Mikvé will be charged according to the table below:
RITUAL BATH | 12 € | 20 € | ||